However, I do need to apologize to my readers who may have noticed I was absent from this week's paper. I needed a break after Oscars to regroup, not to mention the tiresome ordeal of keeping up with Charlie Sheen, I mean the minute I would send something to print for them it would already be yesterday or even last week's news because let's face it, Mr. Sheen, while you make good entertainment, you make it very difficult for us without Tiger Blood and in Los Angeles to follow you closely. While I'm at it...Kudos to you Jon Cryer for coming onto Conan tonight and meeting face to face with the troll comment Charlie Sheen threw your way. I do think you would make a great troll for my pencil eraser.

On an off note I have found some great summer reading. Check out Kyla

Duffy and Lowrey Mumford's series "Lost Souls:
Found, Inspiring stories... " I have read the Pug, Dachshund and Cat volumes
and after crying my eyes out about some of these animals I finished the
books with a smile on my face. Publis
hed by Happy Tails Books, these are not to be missed. Not to mention money
made off the sales of these books goes to helping out our furry and feathered friends. Please check it out at because every animal deserves a happily ever after, even if its a short period of
time. The authors are wonderful ladies and have poured
their hearts into collecting these touching and tearful stories. A good summer read for anyone who loves or ever loved an animal!
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