So we all know about Pandora... we tune in and try not to skip too many songs so that we can listen to what we want. And yes, every one of you reading this would probably have given your left arm to get tickets to the I Heart Music festival now on it's second year in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand Hotel. But lets be honest, we all have a niche in our music that we listen to. For some of us it's country, and for girls like me, it's some good head banging Rock and Roll. But every once in a while, you come across something different that makes your foot tap, your head bang and you find yourself even learning some of the songs. Previously overlooked niche's find their way into the internet mainstream and take over your brainwaves for a little while, because lets face it, we're all kind of sick of Delilah.
Fast Forward to this year's vacation in London where I stumbled across something that wasn't exactly my musical tastes but has turned into the highlight of my week. It's there in England, where DJ's L-Jay and Dubz-D reside. L-Jay and Dubz are current Friday night residents on the an underground internet radio station, You'll find here some newer US dance, remixed with UK Garage, Old Skool Dance, maybe even a lil' dub-step if the mood strikes.
DJ L-Jay & Dubz-D |
As for L-Jay and Dubz, they take over the radio waves on Friday nights from 12am-3am (London time[GMT], that's 7-10pm[EST] for you New Yorkers). So what is it that's causes you to be so addicted to these humble English deejays? Perhaps it's the mix of fast and slow that melds to your mood, or maybe it's even just the accents of these guys which make you want to hand them your underwear when they say words like "Darling", either way it's definitely worth losing yourself for a lil' while in. If you're ever in their town, be sure to check out if they're playing a club that night or pumping up a rave crowd. In their own words "There's no bigger buzz then that." As they say in London, Lock in and locked on. Cause this reporter knows that they sure give some US deejays a run for their money... 103.5 KTU *cough cough* i'm talking to you...
And of course as all good internet stations, Pulse London has an app for that! You can download from iTunes and listen anywhere you are.(
Don't be mistaken though, L-Jay and Dubz may own Friday nights and get you pumped for the weekend have a listen in to other deejays and get your groove on 24/7.
So break out of Pandora's box and experience something new, something oddly niche-y and maybe you'd be surprised that you just could be listening to the next big thing...Stay Tuned...