Thursday, June 21, 2012

Breaking Records...Social Media Style!!

In the last few weeks some interesting new records have been set for the Guinness Book.
One was for the title “World’s Largest Parade of Boats.” This record was set in the United Kingdom on June 6, 2012, with 670 boats in attendance, during the celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee.
Right here in Rockland County, The Franklin Avenue Playground Committee brought in over 1,000 people as they broke the record for “World’s Longest Ice Cream Sundae.” The organization was raising money as an ongoing effort to renovate the playground at the Franklin Avenue Elementary school in Peal River. The delicious looking Sundae was measured at 406 feet and 8 inches long, which is more than two times the record! This mammoth of a sundae was 630 pounds of ice cream, 55 pounds of syrup, 28 pounds of sprinkles and 24 pounds of cherries!
The organization lined rain gutters with tin foil with dry ice every 10 feet to keep it cold. It took all the children in attendance’s patients to wait it out before they could pig out on ice cream! But the cost of $10 a bowl of this creamy goodness, the organization was able to raise $7,500. Not only an amazing record in ice cream, but in good old fashion fund raising!
Nationally, last week, Lucky Diamond, a rescued Maltese dog crossed the Rainbow Bridge after losing her battle with Cancer. She held the record for being the “Dog Snapped with the Most Celebrities”. She was recognized last year after being snapped with over 363 public figures including “Twilight” star Kristen Stewart, Virgin Atlantic Mogul Richard Branson, even Bill Clinton.
With Lucky’s Facebook page attracting thousands and thousands of fans, it encouraged Lucky’s owner Wendy Diamond to apply to Guinness..
According to Guinness’s website, when talking about her record-breaking dog, last year, Wendy said, “I always thought Lucky was sort of the Johnny Carson of canines but I never imagined a Guinness World Record! The record isn’t really about Lucky or even the celebrities, but the inspiring message that people can adopt their own Lucky and one day there won’t be any more homeless pets.”
Which brings me to today; right now there are a number of groups using Facebook to start a record for consideration.
I mean after all, Facebook has to be good for something other than losing money on the stock exchange now. One of the most interesting causes and records I have found is a group which currently is sitting at 1,661 members, who will be trying to set a record for “Most Greeting Cards Sent.”
Currently there is no record for that. What’s the reason for setting this record, you ask? One of the members of the group has an 8-year-old son Monty, who was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms, and who will be undergoing major spinal surgery at the end of the month.
According to the group, his life and the family’s is not an easy one, but full of love, and the one thing Monty loves most of all, is getting mail! So the family in conjunction with what started as a small group decided to send cards, and then they just started growing and cards kept coming.
Last week they received approximately 100 cards. After speaking with them they encouraged anyone to join in the record-making. Greeting cards can be sent to the PO Box they bought just for the record: Monty Chavez c/o Tiffany Chavez P.O. Box 2451, Cedar City, UT 84721.
Maybe with all of this record-breaking going on I should get in on the action myself. I think I’ll send a few cards to Monty along the way, then maybe get a record for most people to read an article… well hey it’s like the lottery, anything can happen! Stay Tuned…